Upper left: John Lee's house, believed to be the first residence built in Rhodesia and now a national monument.
Centre: Mangwe Pass.
Right: John Lee's grave.
Lower left: Boulders and rocks typical of the area.
Right: The Pioneer Memorial at Mangwe Pass.
Motif: Grey lourie ("Go-away" bird)

Embroidered by the Marula Women's Institute.


In 1893 Matabeleland was invaded from two sides; Dr. Jameson advanced into it from the north with a force of settlers while Lieutenant-Colonel Goold-Adams led a second column of Imperial troops across the country’s southern border from Tuli.

At the foot of the Mangwe Pass which led into the Matopo Hills, Goold-Adams constructed a temporary timber and earthwork fort to protect his troops. It was deserted when the column moved on to Bulawayo.

When the Matabele Rebellion broke out in 1896, farmers, miners and traders with their families from the surrounding district all took refuge in the dilapidated Mangwe Fort. One hundred and fifty Europeans, including forty-two children, were crowded into it for a period of three months.

The women and children slept in the central stone circular enclosure which was roofed with pole and dagga supported on a stout central column of earth. On this roof lived the men protected by a sandbag parapet. The garrison suffered much discomfort in its cramped vermin-infested quarters. This led to a great deal of dissension; and since the building had previously been used as a grain-store its inhabitants were troubled by a plague of rats.

Animals were stabled within the circular outer palisade, and some fifty yards beyond a laager of wagons was chained together to encircle the fort. Six babies were born in Mangwe Fort during its occupation. Despite all fears, Mangwe Fort was never attacked by the Matabele, since the Africans living in the western Matopos and the priests of the nearby Mlimo shrine took no part in the Rebellion.

But it was of vital strategic importance that Mangwe Fort be firmly held: it commanded the missionary road from the south into Matabeleland, and this was the only route by which relief could reach beleaguered Bulawayo. Lord Grey, the Administrator of Matabeleland, was therefore not exaggerating when he described Mangwe Fort as “the key to the country”.

The important route from Mangwe to Bulawayo was subsequently further secured by building a chain of six more forts at intervals of about ten miles. Their names were Fort Luck, Fort Halstead, Fort Molyneux, Fort Marquand, Khami River Fort and Fort Dawson. Their remains can still be seen close to the line of the modern Figtree road.


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